
Thursday, April 07, 2005

Pope Cake: Carnival of the Recipes

When in Rome, do as the Romans do! Well, I can't get to Rome, but maybe I can bring a little Rome to me and maybe to you in the blogosphere, as well, with a little Pope Cake.

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John Paul II liked one particular dessert-The Pope Cake-which was inspired and created for him in 1985. The official name is Dolce Del Papa. It is apparently sold in all the gift shops around the Vatican. When I first read about this cake, I thought it was an internet joke....but no, it is valid! It basically is a chocolate almond roll. I guess I could be very authentic and buy the real cake on line, direct from Rome, but that would be too easy. I think I will try to make it myself. So, I have found what looks like a good recipe for chocolate almond roll. While it is not a tested recipe, I have made enough cakes to know that the ingredients and how they are put together, should make for a good cake. Be sure to try it!


5 eggs, separated
6 tablespoons sugar
2 ounces
chocolate, melted
1/2 cup blanched ground almonds
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup heavy cream
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla

Beat the egg yolks until light, add the sugar gradually, and continue beating. Beat in the melted chocolate. Mix in the almonds and vanilla. Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold them into the batter. Spoon into a baking pan (8 X 12inches) lined with brown paper or parchment well buttered.

Bake in a moderate oven 325 degrees F. for about 30 minutes. Turn out on a sheet of waxed paper dusted with confectioners' sugar, and roll while it is hot. Cool.Beat the cream until stiff; add the sugar and vanilla. Unroll the cake, spread with the cream and roll it again. Allow it to stand in the refrigerator until thoroughly chilled. Serve in slices. This torte should be served the day it is made.

Now, if you are not the best baker and you end up with a culinary disaster , go ahead, break out the credit card (the same one you used to buy that last pair of shoes with) and order the real thing, direct from Rome.

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Attaining new heights of spirituality, John Paul II has at last been declared one of the Dessert Fathers. He made the pilgrimage to cake-maker Pan Ducale back in 1985, and ever since the Pope Cake has been bringing a little taste of heaven to
multitudes. And at 330 calories per sanctified slice, Dolce del Papa is very likely helping multitudes toward an early visit to heaven, too.

Says the manufacturer: "The Dessert of the Pope, a chocolate almond roll, has the honor of being one of the few edible items (outside the host) approved by the Church." Eat and be blessed for only 5,700 lira (that's just $3.00) per Pope Cake.

Order Pope Cake direct here: Pan Ducale

Details about Dolce Del Papa II here: Pope cake page

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe!
~~Aileen Mehle~~


  1. Sounds delicious!
    So nice of you to share something the Pope liked!

  2. thanks sue! i was lucky to run across the article on pope cake

  3. Figures it'd be cock-shaped.
