
Thursday, December 01, 2005

Shoe Cookies: Yum!

Need a gift of the shoe? Why not try some cookies? I found these wonderful cookies at The Flour Pot. They have all sorts of decorative cookies. I went straight for the shoe ones of course. Just beautiful!

Well Heeled: $56 for 24 cookies

After looking at the other things in their portfolio, they also have a few other shoe themed cookies as well.

Fabulous Shoes

Howdy Cowboy~~those boots!

The Flour Pot also hosts workshops and parties. The cookies are all sugar cookies which most people love. I want some. Yes, I do. All in all they look quite tasty. They look so perfectly made, you might not want to eat them.

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe!
~~Aileen Mehle~~


  1. OMG. Those shoe cookies look gorgeous and delicious!! Too bad they're not available in London!

  2. They do look good harrods girl!
