
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

In the Spirit of Easter!

Easter means to me: shopping, candy and new Easter shoes! Shoes! Yes, shoes! At lunch the shoe bug stuck me over the head with a big chocolate carrot and said go shop for easter shoes. I was about 45 minutes late for returning from lunch. Instead of an hour for lunch I took an hour and 45 minutes. It was worth it. I bought three pairs of shoes!

The first pair are by Dollhouse. Now I have seen Dollhouse shoes before and the only thing that comes to my mind is "stripper shoes" and dropping down to get your eagle on. Never could bring myself to buy a pair. I would have no clothes to ever go with those shoes. I do not have racy clothes to go with Dollhouse shoes. I saw a pair of pink velvet platforms on sale after Christmas and I was tempted to get them. The price was the draw. Reality set in when dirty Fila saw me try them on and asked me if they were exotic dancer shoes and what was I going to do with them if I bought them? Back to the rack they went.

I saw these today and I had to have them right on the spot. Totally out of character, but I plan to wear them and stut proudly. You people say what you want. I will be wearing my "stripper" shoes. Here they are and they are my most prized pair! They are bejeweled and the ankle strap zips up the back so you can get them on.

You can buy a pair here for $89.95!

Well that was not all. Today I wore this pair by Enzo Angiolini. Love these. They are very comfortable platform shoes. I wore them for 8 hours. By the 7th hour they began to feel not so good. Now I know. Less than 5 hours in these are enough. My legs felt like I was doing the stiletto heel workout. I felt like I had on super woman shoes and I was invincible. I am going to hate when these wear out.

Enzo Angiolini: $92.95

I do not have a picture of the next pair and right now I am too lazy to go get my digital camera out and take it myself. They are a pair of beautiful, metallic gray Elena Solano wedge shoes. The heel is about 2 inches high. Lovely. Perfect for summer.

See! I WAS good. Only three pairs!

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe!
~~Aileen Mehle~~

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