
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Steadier Shoes

Sometimes life throws us for a loop and we become dependent upon the wrong things.  Things that only make us feel good for the moment.  In those moments of brief bliss we feel great but when we come down reality hits us like a ton of bricks and the world can come crashing down.  At times total control is lost and friends and family will need to step in to help us make the change that we cannot make ourselves.  It is the change that can save our life.  It seems that our lifestyles today make us more prone to making the wrong choices when it comes to dependency upon alcohol or drugs.  Luckily there are places that can provide a place for us to rest, get help and eventually find our way back.  Back to steadier shoes.  Back to better choices and a life without dependency.

If you or a loved one needs healing and recovery, consider Orange County Alcohol Rehab.  It is a private facility staffed with licensed therapists and counselors,  located in California.  It actually bridges the gap between primary care and independent care treatment centers.  In regards to care, the staff there realizes that one mode of treatment will not work for everyone, so they offer several modalities  of treatment to meet the varied needs of the clients in the program.  As you progress in treatment you walk through three different phases that range from stabling and centering to self awareness to re-entry into the community. 

Orange County Alcohol Rehab  offers comprehensive services.  Not only to they offer alcohol and drug treatment but also food addition treatments also.  Interventions, employee assistance programs and even alternative sentencing are offered.  That is great. That will save someone from jail time and get them into immediate treatment.  Coaching and relapse prevention are also offered. I know that coaching and relapse prevention will be a life long thing for those recovering from addition.  They live one day at a time and fight their battle daily.

While  you are at Orange County Alcohol Rehab you will have all your basic needs taken care of so patients are able to focus just on themselves and getting better.  You will be housed in a beautiful home in a private or semiprivate room complete with 24 hour on site managers, gym, laundry facilities and free transportation to AA meetings.  Those are just a few of the services provided.  Consider this facility.  It offers structured, individual, continual care that will allow progression from active drug use to reintegration into mainstream society.  With successful outcomes, steadier shoes will follow.
What do women want? Shoes! ~~Mimi Pond

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