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Saturday, February 25, 2012

One For One Movement - A Pair Of New Shoes Is Given To A Child In Need With Every Pair Purchased |

One For One Movement - A Pair Of New Shoes Is Given To A Child In Need With Every Pair Purchased |

Toms. My daughter recently introduced me to this brand. She said she wanted a pair and I had no idea what she was talking about. This was about a year and a half ago. Since then I have come to learn about the one for one movement and think this is a very worthy idea. Having visited some third world countries, I have seen firsthand many children and even adults with no shoes and no way to get any shoes.

I have checked out the Toms site and there are some very cute shoe there. Check out these styles! Very cute indeed.
Ivory grossgrain...part of the wedding collection

Pink glitter!  Pretty!

Wedge from the hand painted artist selection

You can chase a butterfly all over the field and never catch it. But if you sit quietly in the grass it will come and sit on your shoulder.~~Unknown~~

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

5 Deadly Terms Used By a Woman!

What do women want? Shoes! ~~Mimi Pond

Ivanka Trump Shoes

The Ivanka Trump Boutique really has some cute shoes.  Her collection seems small but of good quality and great styles.  Check these out.  Very cute and I definitely would wear!  The Kitten Heel would make a great shoe for Easter.

The Ivee Kitten Heel Pump-$135.00
Indee Embossed Low Heel Snake Pump-$130
Pinkish Patent High Heel Pump-$125.00

What do women want? Shoes! ~~Mimi Pond

Star Jones Returns to The View

Well, it has been six year since Star Jones was fired..  Today she returned to the view to confront or at least make a public peace with her former coworkers.  I was never a really big fan of Star. She was just a little too mouthy for me but she had her very good points.  How she left the show was not good.  She could have handled that better.

When she appeared on the show today Barbara Walters tried to rehash but Star stopped her.  Star was right.  It was long over so let sleeping dogs lie.  Star is promoting heart health for women which is a cause that is not getting enough press or research.  Star and Barbara both had open heart surgery within a few months of each other.  All is well in Starville.  Hatchets are buried for a good cause.

What do women want? Shoes! ~~Mimi Pond

Saturday, February 18, 2012

RIP Whitney Houston

A beautiful talented lady gone too soon.

What do women want? Shoes! ~~Mimi Pond

Friday, February 17, 2012

Velvet Shoes

Velvet Shoes

Let us walk in the white snow
          In a soundless space;
With footsteps quiet and slow,
          At a tranquil pace,
          Under veils of white lace.

I shall go shod in silk,
          And you in wool,
White as white cow's milk,
          More beautiful
          Than the breast of a gull.

We shall walk through the still town
          In a windless peace;
We shall step upon white down,
          Upon silver fleece,
          Upon softer than these.

We shall walk in velvet shoes:
          Wherever we go
Silence will fall like dews
          On white silence below.
          We shall walk in the snow.

Elinor Wylie

What do women want? Shoes! ~~Mimi Pond

Alexander McQueen

Love his shoes and his artwork!  This is a piece from the 2011 collection.

These shoes are available now.  Love them!  Just love them!
Cost:  $1185.00

What do women want? Shoes! ~~Mimi Pond

Blaming Bobby Brown...?

I have been noticing some talk on the web about Bobby Brown not attending the funeral because people will be blaming him or are blaming him for introducing Whitney to drugs.  REALLY?
I must say that is the most ridiculous thing I have heard. The only thing that comes to mind is "you can lead a horse to water but you cannot MAKE him drink."  Whitney chose drugs.  She said "yes" to whoever introduced them to her.  Given her background I hardly believe that Bobby Brown was her first introduction.
She made that awful choice and he was simply an enabler.  Maybe they were enablers to each other.

She put those crack shoes on and decided to wear them for a long time. So long she liked them and it was almost impossible to take off or leave in the closet.  Sad.  She was such a talent and she is gone too soon...but well, her voice was gone so maybe we have already heard all the great singing we would ever hear from her.

I know she was trying to get back into movies.  It is a sad thing but Bobby is not to blame.  These people are adults and I doubt that Bobby MADE her do the drugs.  The outcome simply was not a good one.  Whitney chose drugs, so don't blame Bobby Brown.
What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe! ~~Aileen Mehle~~

Expedia Offers Great Travel Deals

Who does not know that expedia offers travel deals ?  But the thing is, have you checked them out recently?  It is just about mid February and it is time to begin thinking about possible trips for spring break or even the family trip in the summer.  I know that for me this year things are tight so having sites that offer deals and coupons will make travel more affordable.   In fact, with the economy woes just the idea of thinking of a trip anywhere seems a lofty goal.  It might not be if there are great deals to be found.

The great deal site is created by the "Frugal Dad".  It is for the average family to find financial resources with a "conservative" slant...meaning being frugal.  After reading about the Frugal Dad, I like him. Down to earth and just like me in having had financial upsets in the past and looking back and seeing that things could have waited or been done better.  I checked out the site and expedia offers travel deals on both foreign and domestic flights.  There are fantastic deals available now to Florida.  I love going to Disney and there are special deals all over the Orlando area where you can save up to 30% off on rooms.  This includes rooms from low end hotels to some more elaborate villas and finer hotels.  Some rooms begin at $42.00!! This Winter Warm-Up Event is time limited with only 12 days remaining to take advantage of this special offer.  So look now and book!

A deal where you can save $500 is also available.  You cannot beat that. Instead of booking flights and hotels separately, book at the same time.  Expedia offers travel deals that will allow you to book your flight and hotel together and save $500!  This applies to all the major cities like Miami, Las Vegas, Cancun and the Dominican Republic.  Just think, that extra money can be used to spend on other things on the trip like shopping and great meals or activities while there basking away in the sun.  Don't delay.  That great family trip that looked like it might not happen, might become a reality with the savings found by the Frugal Dad.

I am a coupon hunter and at times can spend lots of time searching newspapers and the internet for deals.  The Frugal Dad has done that for us. He has compiled a great site of savings not just on travel but on other things too.  Be sure to check some of those other coupons.  There are savings to be had and the Frugal Dad has created a resource to easily access them.

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe! ~~Aileen Mehle~~

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Crocs...Still Fashionable?

When Crocs first came on the foot scene, I was not a fan.  Who would want to wear big plastic shoes?  Well, my daughter wanted a pair so when I got hers I tried some on.  Everyone I knew was wearing them.  I thought they were I was sucked in.  I finally did get a pair for myself and I loved them.  I wore them everywhere.

Now when I go out, I do not see anyone wearing Crocs anymore except me.  I have not stopped wearing them.  I still do and it is 2012.  White ones that are now dirty.  In the winter when i just need to throw on sweats and pick run an errand, I put them on.  They are very cold in the middle of winter.  I have tried wearing them with socks.That works, but now my child is getting tired of seeing me in them.

I have many pairs of shoes but Crocs are so comfortable...and in my mind, they go with everything.  Skirts, pants, dresses.  Crocs rule.  Now I have just begun to see that I may need to retire them for just for gardening or on a Saturday.  I will not throw them away.  I will keep them for as long as I can.  Even though I jumped on the crocs bandwagon late, I am not getting off.  I love my Crocs!

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe! ~~Aileen Mehle~~

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Lot of Things

Content by Mitch Osborne

There are a lot of things to think about when you're moving and it's really easy to forget something. For example, when I moved into this place I totally forgot to change my address with the post office and it took me two weeks to realize I wasn't getting any of my important mail. Thankfully, that wasn't a huge deal and this time around I've tried to be more organized. I looked online at solutions for clear wireless internet and I've also been working with a relocation company on hiring a lawn care company and also finding someone to pick up the trash on a weekly basis. I think I've got all my ducks in a row for the most part and I'm actually really happy with this house. I was nervous because I didn't pick it out because I didn't have time as my new job wanted me to start right away but the realtor that works for my company actually did a really great job. I'm going to have a really great life here, I think!

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe! ~~Aileen Mehle~~

Happy Valentine's Day!

Rain or Shine ... Shoes, Be My Valentine!

Raindrops on our dresses, 
Sunshine on our face, 
No matter what the weather, 
The look of love won't be replaced. 

The silent sound as rain falls, 
The brilliance of the sun. 
They only promise radiance, 
Caused by either one. 

Let it rain, or let it shine, 
It won't matter none. 
You're such a lovely Valentine, 
In either rain, or sun. 

Let it snow, let it hail, 
Earth blanketed with white. 
It won't prevent our day, 
Or deny the magic of our night. 

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe! ~~Aileen Mehle~~

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Open Toe Shoe Pledge

Spring and summer will soon be here. It is the annual reprinting of this pledge! It is time for all the ladies in all the world to take the Open Toed Shoe Pledge. Raise your BIG toes and repeat after me. is MANDATORY! Come on repeat with me. Get those BIG toes UP!

I pledge to follow the following rules whenever I wear sandals or other open toed shoes!

I promise to wear sandals that fit. My toes will not hang over and touch the ground, nor will my heels spill over the backs. And the sides and tops of my feet will not pudge out between the straps.
I will go polish free or vow to keep the polish fresh, intact and chip-free. I will not cheat and just touch up my big toe.
I will sand down any mounds of skin before they turn hard and yellow.
I will shave the hairs off my big toe.
I will not wear pantyhose even if my misinformed girlfriend, coworker, sister, tells me that the toe seam really will stay under my toes if I tuck it there.
If a strap breaks, I won't duct tape, pin, glue or tuck it back into place hoping it will stay put. I will get the shoes fixed or in the garbage they go!
I will not live in corn denial. I will lean on my good friend Dr. Scholl's if my feet need him.
I will resist the urge to buy jelly shoes at Payless for the low, low price of $4.99, even if my feet are small enough to fit into a kids shoe. This is out of the concern and safety of others. Noone can safely walk in a pool of sweat and I would hate to take others down with me as I fall and break my ankle.
I will take my toe ring off toward the end of the day if my toes swell and begin to look like vienna sausages.
If I have been privy to the magic that is Foot Soap, I will share that knowledge with the non-initiated.
I will brutally honest with the girlfreind, sister, coworker when she askes me if her feet are to ugly to wear sandals. Someone has to tell her that toes as long as fingers are scary.
I promise that if I wear flip flops, that I will ensure that they actually flip AND flop, making the correct noise while walking and I swear NOT to slide or drag my feet while wearing them.
I promise to go to my local beauty school once per season and have a real pedicure.
I will promise to throw away any white or off white sandals that show signs of nothing is tackier then dirty white sandals!

Even after taking this solemn pledge, I personally know some people WILL be looking like this all summer! Yikes!

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe! ~~Aileen Mehle~~

Glitter Deprived!

What shoes does not need a resurface from time to time.  When you think they need to be retired but still have a little life in them, give them a new look  with a little glitter and glue.  This is so easy!  I have plans to redo about 3 pairs of mine that I can think of that I had slated for good will.

You'll need:
Gold glitter
Acrylic glue
A paint brush

How to:
1. Clean the shoes, and then lightly sand them to rough up the surface so the glue sticks properly.
2. Mix the glue and glitter together in a container.
3. Paint the shoe with the glitter glue.
4. Sprinkle with extra glitter to fully coat the shoes. Don't worry about getting glitter inside the shoes, just clean them up once the glue has dried.
5. Since these pics were taken I have also done a second coat on the heel part of the shoes - there were some spots I had missed. You may get away with a single coat, but feel free to do a second coat if required.

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe! ~~Aileen Mehle~~

How True Is This??

So Very True!

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe! ~~Aileen Mehle~~

Naturalizer Shoes

 I love this shoe.  It is a Naturalizer pump that I just bought on sale at my local Dillard's.  I have always been a sort of a shoe snob.  When I was younger Naturalizer shoes were shoes I really did not notice as I was looking more at the Italian designer shoes and with much higher heels.  Naturalizer shoes were the brand of shoes that my mother bought.  There was a time when I would not be caught dead in a pair of them. 

These are my first pair of Naturalizers.  I only tried them on because they were on sale and they looked cute.  A maryjane with a wedge.  It felt wonderful once I put them on and I was sold.  I got them.  I got them in black.  They are my new, black, dress shoes.  At the time there was also a beige pair and I wish I had gotten that too.  That would have been good for the spring.  

I wonder now, have I become my mother?  The very high shoes are now getting harder for me to wear although I still love them.  I find myself buying for comfort and not so much for high fashion.  And another thing, when I was small the Naturalizer shoes were not stylish in ANY way.  I do believe that has changed so that their shoes will appeal to a wider range of shoppers.  It is a stylish shoe with a heel that is about an inch lower than what I normally wear.  They look and feel good.  Naturalizer's are not just for your mother these days!  They are for everyone!  Here is a close up.  Very cute!

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe! ~~Aileen Mehle~~

Whitney Houston Star Spangled Banner

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe! ~~Aileen Mehle~~

Cupcake Shoes!

These adorable, fashionable cupcakes are featured in the new cookbook from Karen Tack and Alan Richardson, Cupcakes, Cookies & Pie, Oh My!. The book was just released last week and also includes fun dessert ideas for pound cakes, cheesecakes, and cookie bars. 
Each of the recipes featured in Cupcakes, Cookies & Pie, Oh My! are made with everyday baking goods that you can find at an ordinary grocery chain store. 

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe! ~~Aileen Mehle~~

Saturday, February 11, 2012

My FaceBook Page

I have a new page on FaceBook that I have just set up.  Please visit it and "LIKE" it.  Thanks!  Here is the link:

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe! ~~Aileen Mehle~~

Valentines Day Attire!

Need something for that special day? This and a great pair of heels will do the trick!


What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe! ~~Aileen Mehle~~

Whitney Houston: It's Not Right But It's Okay

love this video by Whitney Houston. RIP gurl!

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe! ~~Aileen Mehle~~

Whitney Houston Dead at 48

Now I have thought Whitney always had a great voice but I was never a great fan of hers.  She was just oo ghetto for me!  She and Bobby together just got on my last nerve. I know she was in and out of rehab for drugs and I know that over time that can ravage the body.  I wonder if she had an overdose or the effects of drugs just caused her body to give out.  Sad either way.  I know she has a young daughter...I think.  Rest in Peace Whitney.  You were one very talented pair of shoes that have been put in the closet way too soon.

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe! ~~Aileen Mehle~~

Friday, February 10, 2012

Girlfriend....Your Arms!

I know Gayle King just got the new gig on CBS but she looks like she is stuffed into her clothes. Everything looks too small. And to make her on all the sleeveless dresses. Her arms are too fat. It does not look good on tv.

If she us selecting her own clothes, her stylist needs to take charge. Her arms are too fat for morning tv!

My arms are fat but I never expose innocent bystanders to them. Only when they are Michelle Obama-like will they grace a sleeveless dress.

Spare us Gayle!!! Those fat arms gotta go!

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Brand New Shoes!

This week I drove my mother to the mall just to look around and we ended up at our local Dillards.  They were having a great shoe sale.  Actually there were things in the entire store that was 65% off....everywhere. We stopped to just look at the shoes and I found this great pair of shoes.  My other casual flats were quite worn out and in fact had been thrown out as they were done.  On a whim I took these in the box back to my mother after trying them on and she said she would get them for me.  WoW! That was a surprise.  It is always a good day when you can get a new pair of shoes....FREE!

I love them.  They are stylish and very comfortable.  The colors goes with just about everything.  These shoes and I will be friends for a very long time! They are made by Ralph Lauren.  Yeah me!

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe! ~~Aileen Mehle~~