Cyber sadists have figured out a way to profit from cruelty to small creatures, and animal rights activists say it's high time China enacts tough laws to stamp out such abuse. Several Websites have cropped up recently offering videos and still photos of dogs, cats, rabbits and toads being stomped to death by a sexy woman wearing stockings and high heels. These images are usually linked with more typical sadomasochistic fare consisting of a female in stiletto heels tramping on the chest of a man.
A Shanghai Daily investigation turned up several such sites, offering "Gts,'' which stands for "great women, small men" and "Crush'' products. Animal "snuff" videos were posted on these sites for sale at 15 yuan (US$1.87) each. There were bulletin boards for fetish fans, who could even join a group called the International Crushing Association. At least one of the sites was reportedly registered in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Several disturbing videos were offered for free. It was impossible to tell where they were made, and while Shanghai Daily could not confirm that animals were actually being killed in the videos, the content appeared to be authentic.

In one, a scantily clad woman with Chinese features posed with a small kitten along a riverbank, at first gently caressing the animal's fur. She then began stomping on the kitten with her high-heeled shoes, crushing its body and head and leaving it in a lifeless, bloody heap. One Website,, was shut down after a Chinese newspaper contacted it to complain, and animal lovers left numerous angry messages on some of the other Crush sites. At least one of the sellers, however, was unrepentant.
"These movies are not nasty; I don't think they're illegal," a man surnamed Han who markets the videos online told the Shanghai Morning Post. Han said he offers dozens of different videos and has sold hundreds of discs to people from all over the country since he started the business two years ago. "All the videos I sell show beauties dressed in sexy clothes crushing a small animal to death," he said. "They are selling very well."

Zhang Haiyin, director of the Shanghai Mental Consultation Center, said the people who buy these products are disturbed individuals who may take pleasure in seeing another living creature suffer because they can't achieve their own life goals. "These people are most likely those who can't realize their own dreams." Animal rights activists care little about the motivation behind the videos. They just want the cruelty stopped. He Yong, a spokesman for the Beijing office of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, said these videos point up the need for laws preventing cruelty to animals. China's present legislation is too vague to be much good, critics say.
"Our group hasn't looked into the source of these videos, but for the sake of these animals and for humans as well China needs laws to protect small creatures from harm," He said. "Those who are heartless enough to harm animals may also be potential threats to the people around them."

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe!
~~Aileen Mehle~~
43 Broken Heels:
Disturbingly sick. It really sickens me that people can do such things.
I agree chickybabe. but there is some strange market out there for this kind of stuff.
I love shoes, but I love cats better. This is disgusting and disturbing. Can I ask a favor? Can you remove the last image (heel in kitten's eye) from your site? Not only is it horrifying -- think if some child stumbled upon it, but you may be increasing traffic to your site by sicko's using an image search engine, like Google. I'm sure you don't want to encourage this cruelty, or have mental cases visit your blog. Thank you.
As a fellow shoe lover (I won't say fetishist), I totally adore your blog! I used to have over 150 pairs of shoes -- and then the unthinkable happened -- my foot got wider. It happens with age, but I was barely 40! All my lovely shoes had to go to the thrift store and now I live in flip flops and the VERY few attractive shoes made in size wide. Weep for me, and beware of the spreading foot!!
Thanks for visiting. That foot widening...can we say scary! I had not thought of that. So far I am good. I hope it stays like that. Now I have a fear!
In regards to the picture, my traffic overall is light here. I did check to see if there was more traffic as the result of that picture and I think only 3 hits have found it since it was posted. It is an alarming picture, but I think it is something that will open our eyes to the cruelty that is out there.
During the Clinton Administration, the "anti crush laws" were put into effect some time in 98 I believe. It is now illegal to purchase crush videos in the US of any kind. Even the day to day crushing of a bug which nearly everyone does whether they want to or not it now illegal to view in video for the purpose of turning a buck in relation to sexual gratification.
GTS on the other hand is fantasy and can only be done with Hollywood style special effects. This is safe.
So anyone wanting to view themselves being crushed under a giant womans high heel is ok by the government. technicallu, they are related, but separate. Some giantess fetishists believe that by replacing the victim for themelves with an insect, they can then vicariously die through them and fulfill their fantasy.
darkstar: giantess fetishists? sounds like greek to me. but don't tell me what that is. too much strange information for me.
Not as bad as you think it is. If it wasn't for this fetish, there would never have been the ultimate female empoerment film: "The Attack of the 50 foot Woman", it's dreadful Daryl Hanna remake, the horrid boob fest called "Attack of the 60 foot Centerfold" and Irwin Allens "Land of the Giants" and even the growing/shrinking segments of childrens books like "Alice in Wonderland" and "Gullivers Travels".
We as a culture have always had a fascination with mortals turned gods and in this instance it is so.
Imagine for a moment.. you look down at your pretty pumps and hiding behind your heel is a man you hate... the power you'd feel as he stands barely tall enough to stand against a 4 inch stilletto cowering in fear like an insect.
Get the picture? It's the ultimate in domination. Unfortunately, some crush enthusiasts have bastardized it like crackheads on a binge. *sighs*
HMMMMM! I can see one or 2 men beneath my high heels!
I was browsing the internet looking for cat (or a kitten preferably for obvious reasons) recipie. In my country it is seen as a cruel and unorthodox practice to kill and eat a cat, however i feel this forum may be more sympathetic.
I am particularly fond of cat stew, cat steak and light 'cattysnax' such as cat flavoured crisps and confectionary.
Best Wishes,
Tony Benn
ok...i will assume your comment is a joke. otherwise you need some help!
The less cats thier are the better do you know how many birds cats kill a year! Millions!
this is disgusting how can a person i mean dude this is so wrong i hate this seeing sick as fuk people doing such cruel things to animals man if i met that chick i would seriously leave her damaged and anyone like her i own two kittens one looks so similar to that kitten it kills me to see animals being killed in such horrible ways in the eye came on how wud u like a stilleto in the fuking eye you sicko thats a kitten a freaking kitten A KITTEN A BABY imagine people putting their stilletoes in the eyes of a baby boy or girl fuking sickoz has this been shown to the rspca or any animal foundation? is anybody doing anything to help these cats ????? is anybody doing anything??????? who gets off to seeing a cat being killed with fuking shoes you are the sickest of sick people
I hate such persons who derive pleasure from someone’s pain. I hate the picture shown above where cat is being trampled with stilettos. I think someone should trample the women with stilettos; that would teach her a lesson!!
"Against the law"?
How can anyone be so insolent as to decide what kind of sex or sexual gratification is best for someone?
Different things turn different people on, & I say if someone really wants to have their hand crushed by a dominant lady, it is their life to do whatever they want with, long as they don't bother other people!
I might be an accident. Kitties are small and she just might not have been paying attention to where she was stepping.
you are crule and crude and if someone done that to you how would you feel? and anonymous it wasnt a accident as you can see see done it on purpose and i hope that you never hurt any animals because carma is a bitch what comes around goes around and the people who do this is sick there living just like you they can feel pain i hope you will be tourtored the same way all the animals were treated.
So this is what we come to,
People with thier entertainment these days.
So this is what we come to,
People with thier entertainment these days.
These Chinese people bring disgrace to me and i'm ashamed to be of the same race and heritage as they are.
Thats disgusting! omg how sickly! she must have gotten bits of cat insides on her feet-thats just grosss!
:@:@:@:@ POOR KITTEN!! eff u woman >.<
who cares its a cat....i luv how ppl care more about their animals den other humas...smh
Great... Now, I am going to have nightmare. This is wrong to do that. Way beyond wrong. Hope they riot in hell for hurt cats or any type of animal.
Ummm don't these people just eat it afterwards?
The cats head explodes at the end of the video. I'm scarred.
This is by far the worst thing i have ever seen how is this even allowed on the internet. This devil woman should be thrown in prison. For everyone who believes this is acceptable should have there head examined.
this is just sick and twisted. I wanted to hurl when my mom's boss showed it to me. I still have the urge to hurl whenever i think about it. Poor kitten, lets hope that it goes to kitten heaven and that the sick lady goes to jail for animal abuse. I can't believe people would pay for that (pardon my language) shit. I really wish i hadn't seen it but now i know what kind of sickos that this world has. Lets hope that this is the last generation of these cruel animal-killing sadists.
I really like watching women in heels step on things but this is going too far, nobody has the right to cause this kind of suffering in an animal just for a sexual turn on.
can you please remove the last picture? thank you
I say, bring back an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. See how she likes being trampled with stilletos.
May the Gods bless this cat's spirit in its afterlife, and may They forgive this woman for what she has done.
Those of you who wish death upon this woman, mind that to those of my faith, the Rede will insure she gets what's coming to her.
Some would say death's too good for her though
If you drive with your car and you drove over a dog or a cat, do you stop and take it out of the road and ensure that it is dead? This woman lives in China, there animals are brutally tortured every day. But everyone through the world purchase they products. I understand that the woman had a messed up love affair and therefor she killed the kitten. I wonder how does she feel today? she listened to its cries of pain before it died. It will stay with her forever.
hope she
that cat is still a small cat...
tied...wat the hell???
we here wanted to poke that girl eyes and take it out..
let her feel the pain
wat the hell is wrong with her???
That is just wrong. I couldn't watch the whole thing, so I only say about 15 seconds. :'(
By the way, the person who commented before, are you Wiccan?
Death will be too good for her...
I bless that cat and not frogive that curel
Woman animals feel to they're just like us only
Simple diffrences I wanna see her see how it feels
To be stomped with a heel no so good huh?
She gets payed for stomping small animals if I got
Payed I would take the animals and keep them and love them they're better than us humans
Were just cruel and I hate myself for seeing what we've come to just horrible. I try to help animals everyday but I know I can't help them all but I want to. This breaks me I wanna die I want her to die but its just to good for her she need to be tied up no food water ANYTHING just the ground and the air then she will think twice about her self.
The Man (who sells vids). ToTally has no Life and doesnt care about this , If That Man was in front of me I would punch him right on the nose, You people out there who say its not that bad, you have no heart. Imagine if You were the cat and would be crushedby high heels through the eyes, would you like it? That little bitch has no heart and no life. I have a cat of my own and I would never do this to her
That friggin monster!
That poor freakin kitten! This discusts the bloody hell out of me! I don't know how she could do this! I love animals with all my heart and I didn't know how freakin cruel a person could be until I saw this!!!!
I am now scarred for life, thanks to this woman that killed that poor defenseless kitten.
I cried my eyes out. It's so sad.
I hope this kitten's spirit is in a heavenly place right now, away from torture. Poor thing didn't deserve this.
I think that this is total discusting. Glad you put up the photos so people can realy feel the injustice in what was done. And on another topic but the same. I was thinking that the shoes would be an actual stiletto but some women confuse heels with stieletto heels. Stll the cat didn't have to die. I am not a cat person but I don't want them to die unless they need to because of their health and other natural acts of GOD. Just sayin
I started to cry when I saw the picture at the bottom animals are like humans and can feel pain to who did this is a phsyco crazy lady with no friends and all of America hating her
How can someone do that to a poor hepless little animal. She could see and hear that it was in pain, and whoever paid her to do something like that needs to be killed in the same manner. And I hope the women that are killing them also are. It's completely cruel what they do, and I hope they all die.
Unfortunately, this shit happens on a DAILY basis. Most of you people have your head lodged so far up your own ass that you think the world is just a ray of sunshine. The uncensored, unrestriction that is the internet has truly opened my eyes to the world around me -- take these pictures for example -- the world is a cold, dark place and while you all sit comfortably in your little homes, defenseless animals, as well as people, are brutally murdered every second. So cherish what you have and stop complaining. Don't get me wrong, I do NOT enjoy looking at this crap any less than you all probably do, but reality and truth hurts, and knowing the world and how it TRULY revolves liberates your minds. Only humans can do something so horrible to a small, defenseless, and overall cute creature.
What if she did that to a child molester? How would you feel about that?
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