The spirit of Easter had deteriorated into a shoe buying frenzy for the absolute correct shoes to wear with my new dress on sunday. The bad thing is that I find so many other "non" easter shoes that I must have. I bought three more pair today. I think one of these will be "right" with the dress. It is so late, that I will not do any try ons until tomorrow. Here are the three lovelies I found today. This pair by
Nine West, I just love! I think that these will be the ones for Easter sunday.

Originally I bought these strappy Bellini's for easter. That will allow me to be barelegged as they are dress sandals. With those pumps I will have to wear hose.
Last but not least, I found these FUN shoes. I love the platform heel. Very comfortable. These will be the summer wardrobe for me!

I will stop shopping soon. I will stop shopping soon. I will stop shopping soon.
What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe!
~~Aileen Mehle~~
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