This is the pair I want to get for dirty Fila. Last year she had the opportunity to go to Winter Park and was scared to ski. I did find some boots at Dick's Sporting goods last year which eventually went back because she bailed and did not want to go. This year she said she is going. These would be perfect for her. I may get a pair too. We may not ski but we may snowtube. That is more our speed. Close to the ground and not up on wobbly skis.

These Vaneli sandals are way cute! Only $19.86

They do have a whole lot of things on sale now. I know they are most likely clearing out and making room for the new fall things soon to arrive. I don't know about you , but I live for sales. I try to do most of my shopping when it is on sale. There are very few items I will buy at full price. Now some shoes DO fall in that catagory. If there is a shoe I must have, I will get. I am talking about other household things and clothes. You know what I mean. TTFN!
What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe!
~~Aileen Mehle~~
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