Rebel Yell by Billy Idol: Billy was the man! When I was in college punk rock was big. I had that three month period of insanity when I went punk rock. Purple streaks in my hair and lots of black leather and chains. My mom sure was glad when that three months was over! Rebel Yell was my theme song. It had the best beat and it was easy to sing!
Can't Touch This by M.C. Hammer: Hammer was the man! Too! this was also my theme song. Hammer pants was in and I was all about those big baggy hammer pants. I had a pair and wore then to death. I wish I had a pair now! I got my big television break performing in the mall on stage to Can't Touch This!
Sunset People by Donna Summer: This was my most favorite disco song. Disco? Disco is STILL in! Whoever claimed that disco is dead is absolutely wrong! I remember going to my local disco club one summer in my college days every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. I seriously wore out some dancing shoes during the disco era!
Paganini: After a Dream by Regina Carter: Now I cannot just pick one song. This is the entire CD. Every song on this cd is absolutely magic! I love them all. Jazz is my first love and classical jazz played on Paganini's violin is priceless!
- Can we say Whip It by Devo?! Now Devo was THE band when I was in college. I too had a red flower pot that I ordered from their fan site. I wore it proudly as I jumped up and down, cracking that whip and whipping it good! When I think about that now, what the hell was I thinking? I re-bought all my Devo cassettes on CD about 3 years ago!

Freedom of Choice
- Work It by Missy Elliott. This song was my theme song last year. Whenever I needed to be energized while doing housework, I would put that on. It has a good beat.

Under Construction
- Four Seasons by Vivaldi! This is my all time favorite piece of music. If things are going wrong in the world, this goes on and all is okay. We have "Vivaldi Sundayn," when I play it as loud as I want to. dirty Fila gets tired of Vivaldi Sundays. I never tire of Vivaldi! Don't get between me and Vivaldi or this could happen!
- Warrior from the Lord of the Dance Sountrack. This is simply a beautiful piece of celtic music! I love all things celtic. I saw Lord of the Dance when it was being performed about 6 years ago. dirty Fila loved is so much she was irish dancing for about an hour later. It almost made me cry! This is a majestic song! Love it!
- Good Morning Heartache by Etta James. I love her music. It tells it like it is. For those melancholy days when you need to hear someone ELSE singing the blues!

Heart of a Woman
- Train by the Gumboots dancers. This entire cd is wonderful and I was lucky enough to see the performance! Spectactular! Inspirational, moving and quite a cultural experience.
- Rainmaker by Yanni. I just love the didgeridoo. I love Yanni and am secretly in love with him. I saw him live and took dirty Fila a few years ago. Those tight black leather pants. Be still my heart!

Yanni Live
- Roxanne by Sting! Oh my God! I have been in love with Sting way before Yanni. I saw Sting live back in the mid 1980's and knew that he would be the father of my children! I have every CD he has ever put out except for the last one. I just have not picked it up yet. I had all of his early work on cassette and had re-buy them all on CD.

The Best of Sting and the Police
- Last but certainly not least! Don't Stop Till You Get Enough by Michael Jackson. The King of Pop IS the King of Pop! He has had great music most of his career and I have loved all his music! Off the Wall came out when I was in college, right around the time of the big disco era! this was one of the songs my friends and I would dance the night away on!
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What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe!
~~Aileen Mehle~~
16 Broken Heels:
OOoooo....Roxanne is one of my faves. God, I love Sting's voice. It gets me every time. *shiver*
I like Whip It! too.
Wow Great list!
The pictures are a nice touch...
Good tunes..
Have a great evening.
Whip it! Thanks...I'll be singing that all night now!! lol!!
Thanks for sharing this great list!!
Great List. I did a prince list not toooooo long ago. Music seems to truly be the backdrop of my generation. I am a child of the 70s and 80s and there were so many music trends that came through while I was growing up it's scary.
My Hubby is such a music junkie, he is even far worse than me. *laughs*
Haven't heard of most of these songs, a few though. But I must say I have always hated 'Whip It'. Didn't like it when it came out. Still don't like it now. But I don't have to right? LOL! Anyway, good list. I like music alot too and enjoyed reading it.
We have the same ecclectic taste in music I see. Although for me disco is not dead it is undead, coming to to suck the sweat off the feet of the living.
Thanks for stopping by my T13!
Thanks for stopping by. What an eclectic list of music you have. I prefer, of course, my own voice. Humans just don't have the range. I'll have to come back and keep and eye on shoe fashions. I hate to be outdated...
I love celtic music! It's so relaxing and beautiful...I just can't seem to find the "perfect" celtic CD. Any suggestions?
Great list. Thanks for stopping by!
Excellent list!
I loved Off the Wall - back when Mike-Jack was still sorta normal. In college I had a steady diet of Devo, the B-52s, Talking Heads and the Clash. We must be about the same age. ;-)
Thanks for visiting my TT.
Great list. I like most of those too! Have a great weekend!
Great tunes!! I love Celtic music too...so beautiful!
Thanks for stopping by!
What a fun, eclectic mix of music! I love Vivaldi, one of my favorites. Thanks for stopping by.
MC Hammer, oh wow! And Roxanne?! Thanks so much for the fun list - it's fun to remember the past, LOL! Happy (belated) TT!
Great list. I can relate to the punk phase, for sure. Billy was the ultimate! Great trip down memory lane! Thanks!
Great list! It's neat that you have such a wide variety of musical tastes.
Thanks for visiting my TT :)
Love the list. Great idea adding the photos.
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