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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Star Jones Returns to The View

Well, it has been six year since Star Jones was fired..  Today she returned to the view to confront or at least make a public peace with her former coworkers.  I was never a really big fan of Star. She was just a little too mouthy for me but she had her very good points.  How she left the show was not good.  She could have handled that better.

When she appeared on the show today Barbara Walters tried to rehash but Star stopped her.  Star was right.  It was long over so let sleeping dogs lie.  Star is promoting heart health for women which is a cause that is not getting enough press or research.  Star and Barbara both had open heart surgery within a few months of each other.  All is well in Starville.  Hatchets are buried for a good cause.

What do women want? Shoes! ~~Mimi Pond

0 Broken Heels: