Ghosts seem to have developed a fetish for shoes if things happening in a
The shoe store
Initially both thought that the other was playing games, when much later 19-year-old Helen realised, the matter something much serious.
"I was standing at the counter when the top shelf of the display began wobbling, as though the shoes were trying to be picked up. Then the deck shoes jumped off the shelf completely and landed next to each other, just like we always found them. I screamed and ran out of the shop. It can't be a coincidence because we have tried jumping up and down by the shelf to see if it wobbles, but nothing moves," The Sun quoted Helen as saying.
She further said that she always had a ghostly feeling of being watched every time she locked the shop.
"You can feel someone is watching you. It's quite a tense feeling," she added.
The whole affair has come to such a pass that the store's owner John Walter called in Father Chris Malkinson to rid the place of ghosts. Father Malkinson who chanted prayers and sprinkled holy water said: "Sometimes there is evidence of a soul trapped between this world and the next. I am sure it will disappear over time."
But, inspite of such measures undertaken by Father Malkinson, the shoes kept on moving.
John is now contemplating for a full exorcism and believes the shop is haunted by a former owner, a butcher, who committed suicide in a nearby cattle shed in the 19th century.
Father Jeremy Dowling, the Church of England spokesman for
"We might now see if there is a case for a full exorcism," Father Jeremy Dowling was quoted as saying.
Also this is not the first time that the shop is apparently getting haunted. A former owner including a butcher said that his meat kept moving from one fridge to another.
"They had a real problem with legs of lamb," said John.Ghosts seem to have developed a fetish for shoes if things happening in a
The shoe store
which always end up side by side.
Initially both thought that the other was playing games, when much later 19-year-old Helen realised, the matter something much serious.
"I was standing at the counter when the top shelf of the display began wobbling, as though the shoes were trying to be picked up. Then the deck shoes jumped off the shelf completely and landed next to each other, just like we always found them. I screamed and ran out of the shop. It can't be a coincidence because we have tried jumping up and down by the shelf to see if it wobbles, but nothing moves," The Sun quoted Helen as saying.
She further said that she always had a ghostly feeling of being watched every time she locked the shop.
"You can feel someone is watching you. It's quite a tense feeling," she added.
The whole affair has come to such a pass that the store's owner John Walter called in Father Chris Malkinson to rid the place of ghosts. Father Malkinson who chanted prayers and sprinkled holy water said: "Sometimes there is evidence of a soul trapped between this world and the next. I am sure it will disappear over time."
But, inspite of such measures undertaken by Father Malkinson, the shoes kept on moving.
John is now contemplating for a full exorcism and believes the shop is haunted by a former owner, a butcher, who committed suicide in a nearby cattle shed in the 19th century.
Father Jeremy Dowling, the Church of England spokesman for
"We might now see if there is a case for a full exorcism," Father Jeremy Dowling was quoted as saying.
Also this is not the first time that the shop is apparently getting haunted. A former owner including a butcher said that his meat kept moving from one fridge to another.
"They had a real problem with legs of lamb," said John.
What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe!
~~Aileen Mehle~~
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