Sexy Hoopz pictures
Flavor of Love 2
Flavor Flav is having a baby! See article below! Who IS pregnant with Flav's baby?????

Nicole Deannae Alexander was born in Detroit, Michigan on July 12, 1983 to an Italian American mother and African American father.
Hoopz pictures!

I have never watched this show at all until yesterday. I was at my mom's house and dirty fila turned it on. Can we say that Flavor is the ugliest man alive? It was the season finale of the show and it was down to three woman when this cat fight on video was caught. Spitting! The lowest of the low. New York was a screaming banshee and so tacky. She and Pumpkin (the blonde who did the spitting) are in the same category--skank! In the end he choose Hoopz. She is a very pretty girl. Whether that is going to be a real relationship with marriage in the future? Who knows? I thought he had an engagement ring in those little boxes. I was expecting him to give Hoopz a ring. Instead it was a grill! A grill for her teeth! Man is that ghetto. Upper and bottom and she put them in on the spot. Way too ghetto for me.
This is the cat fight between Pumpkin and New York. It was something!
The Winner

Her site can be found here: Darling Nikki.
There has been an update to the site. The one above is her first site. This one is her newest one where she can be booked for celebrity bookings and appearances.

That love sure was short lived. I found out thru Wayne that there is another casting call out for women in the Atlanta area for Flavor of Love 2 . He is still looking for love. If you think you can put up with Flavor Flav, be sure to get in line for casting of the next show.

Former Flavor of Love star Hoopz was arrested on Tuesday (June 13) for assaulting a police officer. According to reports, the reality star was jailed for allegedly attacking a police officer outside of her Dearborn, Michigan home. The incident happened after police were called to her residence to investigate a noise complaint filed by one of her neighbors.
Hoopz (real name Nichole Alexander) asserts the officers took her into custody after voicing complaints that neighbors were harassing her. "He walked up, took the door, opened the door back up. Grabbed me by me neck and I just remember flying down these steps, " said Hoopz in a statement. "While I 'm falling, I gripped on to him and we fall. Now we wrestling and two more cop guys come and jump on me."
The Detroit native claims the quarrel left her bruised. Hoopz has been the subject of controversy in recent months after winning VH1's Flavor of Love. Although Flavor Flav picked her as the winner of last season's show, the pair announced shortly thereafter that they are no longer romantically involved and will remain just friends.

Now this next clip is Classic. New York and the Girls. What can I say. They are embarrassing!
Flavor Flav's 7th Child!
Flavor Flav, who's dating "Flavor of Love" winner Deelishis, is expecting a child — his seventh — with another woman, his manager, Clifton Johnson, confirmed Thursday.
When things didn't work out with Nicole "Hoopz" Alexander, who won the first season of his hit VH1 reality show, Flav resumed an "on and off" relationship with the baby-to-be's mother — "hence, the conception," Johnson said. The baby is due in early January, he said.
Johnson would not reveal the mother's identity.
Deelishis (real name London Charles), whom Flav chose in the recent second-season finale of "Flavor of Love," is reportedly standing by her man.
"She understands that this is definitely something prior to her involvement on the show and her involvement with Flav, and she says she supports him regardless," Johnson said.
Flavor Flav (real name William Drayton Jr.), 47, founded the hip-hop group Public Enemy in the `80s. He found fame anew in 2004 on the third season of VH1's "The Surreal Life." He has since starred in the network's "Strange Love" and "Flavor of Love."
What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe!
~~Aileen Mehle~~
58 Broken Heels:
Thats crazy, I have never herd of her till the flavor of love show. I am suprised to see her like she is on this page. she does not seem like a person who would be on the Internet posing like that, Oh well
Sexy ma69: she was a model looooong before she was ever on the show with Flavor Flav...trying to break into show business or modeling. This seems to have been a way to inch her up the career ladder a few steps. These are some of the milder pictures. There are some where she has no clothes on at all. (Just a sheet artistically placed as she is not showing any body parts. I have found those and will post them eventually.
I can't believe this. I woulda never thot hoopz to be like this. She was playing it real good on the show cuz she had everyone fooled. I guess this was her way to get big. I'm seriously disappointed, cuz she didn't seem like that type of person.
I would have to agree with you anon...(
you could have left a name...)I was a little disappointed as well. It was kind of a surprise to really see that it was all just a publicity stunt. I guess that is what reality tv is.. tv.. not always real. She did not come across this way on the show...but there you have it.
Lets break down what is really terrible. I was soooo shocked when Hoopz said that New York deserved to be spit in the face. That is the lowest thing you could do to anybody. It's a disgrace to a person's existence. I wasn't too fond of her when she said that. Even though New York was wild and didn't care for the other girls, no one ever deserves to be spit in their face. I don't know why Pumpkin even thought to start a fight with her. Crazy folks can fight!
Makez it are so right about crazy people being able to fight. there is no way pmpkin would have been able to fight off New York. did you see her kick off her shoes? all she lacked was the vaseline.
Anon: I with you on letting New York have him becazue she really did seem sincere, but you have to wonder too, how much of that was acting. Even Flavor Flav questioned her intentions in his interview with Tom Joyner. They are all trying to make it big in hollywood/tv/radio/mdeling/movies. I think New York would have stayed least for a little while.. Long enough to have a show about them together and all the drama she or they can cause.
Did anybody see the Flavor of Love reunion? That was total nonsense. The entire thing looked like a rehearsed hoax. Really did resemble Jerry Springer.
makez it happen: No! I missed it. I wanted to see it because I had a feeling it would be very staged or crazy! I have seen Jerry and it is unbelievable. Were New York and Pumpkin fighting? Real fighting or fake for tv fighting?
Don't worry the Flavor of Love reunion will come on over and over throughout the week. It came on this morning too.
New York kept storming after Pumpkin, but Flav's security guard kept holding her back. Oh then how about they revealed Oyster's secret. I'm not going to say cuz I want everyone to watch and hear about it.
I think that show was so dam dum cuz hoopz wasnt realy interested in flav like that thats y they broke up. any way he is not dat attractive hoopz if you red diss come holla at a resl man.
makez it happen: thanks! i will catch it before it is not aired anymore!
anonymous: holla?
I feel so terrible for Flav...I knew Hoopz didn't want Flav from the start,just the way she acted on the final episode when he picked her...I know that Flav deserves a good woman who wants him, not fame and fortune..As for myself I have applied for season 2 because I got so attached to Flav throughout the show..And I guarantee u if I was to be chosen there wouldn't be a season 3!!Regardless I hope Flav can find true love this time..Not some skank hoe tryin to get rich...
nina e. I would have to agree with you that new york seemed more like she was really into flavor flav. And I do not know oyster's secret either. Ihalf watched it. so if anyone else knows please fill me and nina e. in . thanks!
tima...i agree that new york seemed very determined and knew exactly what she wanted. tima..seems like it is just as flavor flav says in the interview on the tom joyner show..she has blown up big as a result of the show. i guess that was her true goal.
chickfromqueens: pumpkin, a monkey!? that had me almost spitting coke all over the keyboard i was laughing so hard. LoL!
anonymous who applied for season 2: good luck to you. should be interesting watching for this 2nd go-round. you are a better woman than I to be able to even begin to become attracted to flavor flav. he is not so easy on the eyes.
shorty 729: i do not think they were ever really together...hoopz and new york.
When I was watching the show Hoopz had me snowed I admit it, but after reading this and watching the reunion show, I am just so sad for Flav. He seems like he is a nice man, maybe one thing he should focus on for the next show is someone closer to his age who is ready to settle down. I wish that he would go back now and pick N.Y. like her or not she at least seemed like she really cared about him...I hate seeing people hurt. me, spitting is not okay in other races either. Just freaks like that Pumkin. I saw on t.v. (can't remember where) that the spitting bitch has lost her teaching certificate! She also looked like the biggest baby by running like mad everytime New York went to kick her butt! It was so funny after Pumkin spat at New York and New York rammed her ass into the wall or camera, can't remember which.
I also thought they would have brought up the fact that Flav and New York slept together, considering the Jerry Springer like atmosphere! haha
I liked Goldie the most, that girl was cool.
tifftown: red oyster should not have been on the show at all. she is not even available! i don't quite agree that Flav looks like a fool. I think he just struck out with these and especially with Hoopz. I too did not see any sort of great attaction that she had for him.
anonymous: it does seem like Flav needs someone closer to his age. He is in his 40's...46 I think. He does not need someone in their 20's just starting out. Just think, that woman will have to be an instant stepmother to 6 kids and an instant "Grandmother" to 2 grandkids.
anonymous: i was thinking that the sleeping with New York would come up as well. but them you might then have to bring up pumpkin also.
anonymous: goldie was ok.. just ok
I was shocked when I saw those pictures of Hoopz. After seeing the show and now realizing that she was just acting, I really don't know how to believe anyone of those girls now. Not even New York. Seems like one will do anything, any type of acting for publicity. When Brigette asked N Y if she wanted to have Flavs baby she said no. I would think if you genuinely wants a relationship you have to think it might eventually lead to that. Remember the man is looking someone to settle with. N Y was too vulgar Can you imagine if she and Flav are in a fight? Saw her on the reunion? That girl was rude to spit in her face. Words are wind. She should have answered back or ignore N Y. By the way remember Hoopz mother, we should have known. She even said if Hoopz didn't want him she would have him. What kind of mother says that? Nothing on these shows surprises me anymore. You don't have to lower yourself in the name of fame by shedding your clothes.
Anonymous: i did see the show finally and NY was just ridiculous. She was out of control. It was all very Jerry Springer like. Way too much like Springer. Did you see NY's top come down and they had to blur out her breasts. Come on.. that was crazy. I missed NY's mother saying that. I only remember how adamant she was against Flavor Flav when she and her husband came for a visit. She thought Flavor was the scum of the earth. NY was acting too. She was never real either.
I was cheering for hoopz the whole damn time. I already knew that she had a website which was strange. But if she was not going to be with Flav then NY should have won. I am so disappoint because Flav is a real and loving man. He deserves to be love just like eveyone else.
O.M.G. I cant believe hoopz won I was betting my sisiter the whole time that she would be the last one standing. I think hoopz is hella preety and I'm glad things didnt work out beween hoopz and flav 'cause I know she can do betta than offense to flav, I love him and I know he is a very loving guy and he did care about all the girls.
Anonymous who was cheering for Hoopz: maybe Flav is looking for love in all the wrong places. A reality show. I cannot think of any couple who has survived the reality show test. None of the "bachelors" and none of the bachelorettes until Krista. Maybe Rob and Amber from survivor have a chance. But who knows. those 2 couples got married, but will they STAY married.
Anonymous who was betting sister: I agree that Hoopz can do better, just in looks alone.
Anonymous: the last one holla'in at Hoopz: LOL!
i think that hoopz was pretty but to see this made me change my mind no im not gay but 4rm those pics she look like a hoe. how do a pretty gurl like her do some crazy shit like this now this jus upsets me to see her like this ohh this is pissing me off and some one pleaze wite me bac!!!!
Anonymous who is pissed off: i think we should not hate, i guess we should congradulate. she is working her 15 minutes of fame. it may not last long but i guess if you have the spotlight, you got to work it while you have the spotlight. a year from now or two, we may not be seeing her much.
anonymous: i am not quite sure that NY deserved to be spit on. that was gross. Something else maybe but not spitting.
Ya'll might not like what I have to say, but... here goes.
One: Flavor Flav didn't know what the hell he wanted any way. He always seemed to confuse kissing or sex as a sign of a girl "feeling" him. We all know that he's not the most attractive man in the world. Well, then again; beauty IS in the eye of the beholder, so I take that back. But the point is, I don't think a lot of women give him any play based off of his looks(He does have a very "unique" look :)). It's too bad that it took a reality show for people to see that he was a pretty cool guy, once you gave him a chance.
Two: Hoopz is georgeous. And whether anyone likes it or not, she's a grown ass woman. She's not doing anything but showing off the body she's worked for and getting paid BIG BUCKS for some little horny ass teenagers/HORNIER ass men/women to look at her. Which is more than what most of us can say. Modeling is modeling. She's not compromising herself. She's doing what she want's to do. And if you don't like it; DON"T LOOK. It's just so sad that people sit around all day and judge someone by what they see. We don't know her. NOW, if you meet someone in person and they're whatever you think they are, THEN you can talk about them. Until then, stop judging the book until you've read it. You don't like it when someone does it to you.
anon: I would agree that Flav is not attractive at ALL! If he were not so "out there" with the craziness in his personality, I bet he would find someone real. He seems like he is ADD to me.
In regards to Hoopz, I do not think that people were really judging her until after the show when she kikced Flav to the curb and her real career began to be focused on.. She went from nobody to somebody for about 16 minutes. Her 15 will not last long. She seemed on way on the show..innocent, pleasant, quiet almost. Now all know that she is a model who has no problem taking off her clothes. It is just that since she was a nobody before, noone really knew her past career attempts. If we look even harder in her past, I would not doubt that she may have been a dancer/stripper at one point.
anon: LOL! Sounds like the green eyed monster has reared its' ugly head!
BIG up to hoopz, i think she is so beautiful -N- every way, keep doing what
u do 4 REAL,,,,
this iara and i realy was a fan of hoopz bb ball i was krazy about wat i think all this 4 tv because i saw her on a veido cheak up them duces man this is crazy really and this serc is realy crazy im just this shit is not realy well atl hit me back if u feel me
csmov: she is a pretty girl
Anon: please speak some english we can all understand?!
I cannot bekieve that hoopz would really turn out the way she did. I had no clue she was such a HOE, which is sad cuz i had mad respect for her on the show and was rootin for her to win the whole time. What goes around MOST DEFINITELY comes back around on that ass and I hope she is finally exposed for the stiff, wanna be video HOE that she really is.
And she know she wrong for using the nickname that flav gave her on the show. If she's not gonna be a woman and be honest about what her intentions really were on the show, then she could at least give flav his credit for boosting her carreer.
tia: I agree. it was a little disappointing but after it was all over, it seems that this was just something to boost her career.
i personaly think all u all ae just hatin ass hoes...ok one if you had a chance to do somethin like that you would take it none of em were there for flav i mena seriously do you all think a a bunch of beautiful girls are gonna go on a show to actually be with a 40 somethin yr old man no fuckin ass way with an exception of goldie an personnaly i think she was the only one there for flav an the only one that would have stayed with him...i think hoopz is beautiful all them are an im sure there all great ppl its just a show an its just a boost for everyone to get jumpstarted an it was a fun thing to do hell id do it for the fun an bad bitch
you wouldn fuck t.i over flav?????dont lie to your self cuz we all know you would ...... its just a show an i hope he finds someone to do right by him but hes not gunna do that by havein reality tv show ..its called life
Flav deserves all he gets. He is nuttin but a loser. He wants to be kissing and sleeping around with all the girls that will let him and then says he's looking for LOVE. Seems like he's looking for a flavor of QUICKIE. Yea hoopz and dem are hoes but did you check out this season???
talk about Grade A strippers and whores who looking for some TV time.
One: Who allowed Flav to have a show anyway, since when do they air all that uglyness??
Two: Hoopz is right to have left Flav even though she tried to get famous in a very very dirty way
Three: I agree with ms B here, Flav is looking for a quickie, and hopefully not spreading diseases...
Fourth: This season, I really don't know what he expects to get, cant be LOVE
I seriously agree that flav should've picked new york cause she was the only real chick on that show...she was honest and straight to the point on a whole lotta tellin you....hoopz yeah she is pretty but i knew it wouldn't last........
what do you mean black people dont spit on people? 2 pac spit at a camra man
I watched Flavor of Love from beginning to end and I didn't even notice Hoopz until the last couple of episodes and I will say that I took a liking to her. She seemed to be the most down to earth and level headed person there but you could also see that she was not really into Flav by the way she tried to avaoid kissing him open mouthed or not kissing him at all. She did seem sincere in caring about him as a person but the chemistry wasn't there. However, after seeing these pictures, I lost all respect for her. She didn't seem like THAT type of girl. I hated NY regardless of what Hooopz is doing and I feel like Pumkin should have had some bigger balls about herself and knocked fire from her ass but how u gone spit on somebody and then RUN? lol NY deserved worse...she just hasn't met the right psychotic bytch yet...I hope one of these girls on season 2 (HOPEFULLY Bootz...that would b nice!) regulates on her...
G-Money.. you funny: since when to they air all that uglyness. LOL!
i would have to agree with the person above this post. you could kind of tell that Hoopz was not into Flav. She did not want to kiss him. I thought she was just being a "good girl." She really did not like him at all.
This is a great show for our young Black girls to watch. This is really showing positive Black women. See a white girl can go back to being white, while a Black woman will constantly be viewed as a slut. And guess what? This is the image most of our young Black women are moving to.
66 percent of all new AIDS cases in America are Black women.
Still trying to hit???
Wake the fuck up/
Hoopz You look damn good but no matter how good you look ain't no real man gonna respect you because they already see you bout that money and that 15 minutes of fame and T.I. just wanted to fuck you and word on the street is you got HIV and we ain't got no choice but to believe it cause look how you on the internet. But you should go to Hollywood cause you a good actor, I actually thought you had class but you just a money hungry Bitch!!!! But anyway stay up and stay pretty cause once those looks gone ain't nothing left, and if you gon be trickin' be like SuperHead and get payed Don't show it free on the internet.
Poor Flav...But I guess you gotta admit, she was a pretty good actress. Her mom must be so proud. At least these shows are making him some money, even if all the bitches want is a show biz career.
Hi, now I know that theres is one intelligent girl in this bunch of looser. She do what she need to do, she's smart beatifull and now famous. Hoopz you have all my respects, nice pictures, and put Flavor Flav in his place. Is funny but I think that Flavor Flav never do the quickie with Hoopz ha, ha, ha, and never saw one tiny hair of Hoopz. Good work girl, this man is to ugly for you.
I do not think Hoopz or NY was right for Flavor. NY was just a FAKE drama queen. I could tell Hoopz was not feeling Flavor but I did not know her intentions. She is a pretty girl but I think her pictures are a little much. Dang Hoopz......leave something for the imagination. For NY, You called Flavor kids bastards, that took points away from you big time. Plus NY mother is crazy so I would not want to married into that family. Think about it she tried to fake an illness to get NY to leave the show. I think NY is just ghetto.
Flavor Fan
hoopz wuz mii fave on flavor of love but now im lookin at these pix and im like wow...what tha fuk happend but shyt tha g0od gurlz b tha freaky one if she wanna put herself out there like that then let her shes jus makin herself look bad!!!!
I supported Hoopz from the beginning but now she is bringin everyone down. on the show she was the wholesome dream girl. now she just a hoe. she used Flav to become a stripper basically. but whatever goes around comes around.
oyster was married and i dont think she was even right for all that tattling she did. she and all them hoes had secrets even nasty ass hoopz. deelishis is cozying up with clinton portis and flav got that prego with him in his l.a. house.
Diz be dat latino mami erika and im sayin EVERYBODY stop hatin..i mean i waz a big fan of hoopz 2 and i looked up to her n everything and wen i saw diz pictures i waz like she pretty but she exploting herself and never thoyght she would do anything like this...i mean diz is low even 4 her.but any bitch who say they wouldnt take the chance 2 be famous or rich or get with a rich nigga would be liein...she did what she had 2 do and yea i think of her differently now but she still ma idol and hopefully she start to make the right choices..and t.i. look GOOOD he is fine..i would fucc him 2!!!sike nah but hoopz..keep doin yo thing.
Yoh hoops you r a sexy as women
i dont know what flavor flav was thinking but damn god bless sexy
I personally think that all of them where there for ratings. NY yeah I think she did love flavor Flav but I believe the only reason they had her come back to session 2 was becasue she is 90% of the reason why people tuned in every week. It was to see what crazy ass bitch NY got into a fight with. I also think that the reason Flav didn't pick NY was becasue she gave it up the night before Elimination. Now i am not a man but I think that if a man was to choose between two woman and he already got the whole apple from one and just a nibble from the other that he would wanna know what the other one had to offer.. Maybe NY isn't as good as she wanted everyone believe, because i also know if a woman is as good as she left herself off to be that she would have won from the treat she gave him the night before.
look im gonna put it this way, all the ladies who wrote nasty comments about hoops needs to stop hatin. i gurantee she look better than all yall ass. and if there is a guy writing comments about my baby hoops, yo ass is gay and your wife, or girlfriend must look like a bearrilla, thats a bear and a gorrilla put together. hoops looks 1000000 times better than yo chick i know. now watch someone hate on me for giving props, im all ears hater.
Thanks guys!!!I just love to read your comments!hope to hear more>Have a great day!
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